Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Day 43 - A backward step

Despite sticking rigidly to my water diet again this week - bar one sneaky cup of coffee at a cafe - I have managed to let 1.5lbs slip back onto the scales. I have a feeling last week's fish and chips may have had a delayed effect as I had a fantastic weigh-in the morning after I ate those. Ooops. And my Tone class was cancelled AGAIN today so I am sacking it off for Thursday's step and aerobics workout, which a fellow (very polite) gym member said is really effective.

This is also my final week before I break for Christmas. I have a night out planned and it's also my birthday soon so there's no way I'm sticking to soft drinks. Sorry, I'm just not that dedicated. But I will try not to overeat over Christmas and bear in mind that those three and a half pounds I've lost are NOT to come back on again.

As if I needed any reminder of how important it is not to pig out, the bridal shop rang today and left a message on my answerphone saying they needed to speak to me. 'Oh my god, the dress is in,' I thought, at first with glee and then complete dread. I do want the dress in my possession as soon as possible just to put my mind at ease but I am currently 4.5lbs heavier than the day I got measure for it. I know it's eight months off the wedding and I should have plenty of time to lose it by then... but what if they wanted me to go in for a fitting? The thought of the assistant squeezing me into that frock and asking 'Are you sure you ordered this size?' had me feeling so repulsed that I vowed there and then to sew my mouth up over Xmas.

I picked up the phone and with a trembling whimper said: 'You wanted to talk to me?' And the assistant informed me that the groomswear prices were going up in the new year so I should come down and order it as soon as possible. PHEW! I had bought myself a few more weeks and, hopefully, months in which to get my behind into shape.

In a vain attempt to claw back some pride, I will do another weigh-in in 2 days' time, after the much-hyped step class. Let's hope today was just a 'fat' day...


  1. Had one of those days myself. The scale went UP 1.4 lbs and I felt like sobbing.

    Tis the season to be gorging, and even though I'm not eating extra portions or even large portions, it doesn't really help my weight releasing purpose when the main ingredients in what I am eating are 'heavy whipping cream' and 'butter' now does it?

    Yes, when the weight goes UP instead of down for me now I just know it is the fault of the food. Hang in there. The holidays will just zip on by.

    Even if you give a little over the season, thank goodness you've got 8 months...and you are SO smart for getting started early.

    I keep wondering though if you might end up having a different fitting room issue come your wedding day. You pull up the dress and it promptly slips off...you're even thinner than at the fitting!

    Now that's a nice problem.


  2. Haha if only Louise, I'd love to be able to say 'you'll have to take it in a few inches!'.

    I am dreaming of mulled wine and Bailey's now... mmmm!! Happy Xmas! xx
