Saturday, 16 January 2010

Miss Motivator

Damn, I feel so motivated at the moment and hope my blog can inspire you all this week. I managed to shift a pound by doing 4 days of exercise this week (2 gym sessions, a good walk and 1 exercise DVD) and plan to do some more tomorrow as I am off work with my fiance. Not that kind of exercise you smutty ones at the back... we're going to explore the countryside near our new home and go for a hike.

This will be the most exercise I've done in a week for a long time, what with the Christmas break then snow covering every pavement and footpath in the country. But now the big thaw is here, I can't seem to get enough. And my fitness regime has been accompanied by a (fairly) healthy diet. Have been eating fruit for breakfast and am sticking to the water, so it's all good. I have still managed a few biscuits and a bit of cake, but if I can lose a pound a week doing this then I'll be happy!

But on a more negative note, I have another gym moan. This week it wasn't the other gym members who were pissing me off, but a gym employee! There I was, pounding away on the treadmill when a small, balding 'personal trainer' started cleaning the machine next to me. I could barely contain my annoyance when he proceeded to spray a cleaning product practically in my face, and when he started to hoover up the dust on my treadmill - as I was running - I had to say something. 'Dude, you're going to trip me up!' I yelled. And did the little man apologise? Did he smile sweetly and move to another machine? No! He said 'I were nowhere near you!' and carried on. Cheeky swine. The adrenaline rushing through my body made me vow, in my head, to complain to the manager but by the time I had finished my workout and had a shower, I had calmed down and left quietly. Probably for the best, I think...

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Post-Christmas Fat Days

I overdulged at Christmas. Mince pies, Xmas cake, buffets, wine, mulled wine, cider, YOU NAME IT! My other half even pointed out how my stomach looked swollen (yeah thanks love) and as proof of this, my pants were starting to feel tighter around the waist. Added to that was the fact that, due to moving house and having a stonking two-week cold, I hadn't been to the gym since December 10 and I was pretty much in a mess.

As you can imagine, I felt like such a whale and was sure I'd put on the four pounds I had lost by drinking water, week in week out before the festive break. I started seeing it in the mirror – wider hips, a chubbier face and awful muffin-top which was barely there before. So imagine my surprise when I dragged myself back to the gym and found out I had only put 2lbs on! TWO! I felt like it must have been 4 or 5 at least.

But my workout proved that the damage had perhaps not shown on the scales. I felt it physically impossible to push myself for longer than 20 minutes and had to retire to the ladies' for a time-out session, feeling quite sick and imagining myself hurling all over the floor or – worse – on some innocent gym member on the treadmill in front. But I was determined to get back out there. So I finished with a few weights and floor exercises when really I should have been pounding the crosstrainer.

It just goes to show that getting out of shape needn't mean putting on weight. So for all you thinnies out there, feeling smug because you don't have much flab to lose, BEWARE! Test your fitness and make sure you involve at least some exercise in your weekly routine or you'll be puffing up the stairs and feeling woozy at the gym in no time. See you in the ladies'.